Thursday, October 11 is World Sight Day!
Did you know that 1.2 billion people don’t have access to vision care? And 75% of those who are visually impaired are avoidably so. This year’s World Sight Day theme is #EyeCareEverywhere and the goal is to raise awareness about accessibility to eye care services for everyone.
The campaign will help to raise funds for more children like Sokhanya, pictured above, from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. With poor vision, travelling safely to school and learning in class became dangerous and difficult. A free service funded by Optometry Giving Sight helped Sokhanya access eye care and receive a pair of glasses. She is now able to go to school, learn, and enjoy the company of her friends. Sokhanya’s dream is to become a nurse and help others.
We’ll be collecting donations in-store all month long, and join us on the 11th where your donation will earn you a trip to our prize basket. Throughout the month of October, take $100 off the price of complete glasses (frame and fully coated surface lenses) when you donate an old pair.